Adam Tsa'ir

Here you can find a couple of illustrations I did for the magazine "Adam Tsa'ir" (Young Person). It's the magazine's tradition to dedicate every issue to a specific subject and give it to one illustrator to illustrate the entire magazine. My topic was mud.

The magazine was designed by Michal Magen.The stories and
poems were written by Adi Zelichov-Relevy and Maya Maytav.

Published on January 2019.
Table of Contents
"Koobebot" - A story about a mud balls duel between two groups of kids. by Maya Maytav
"Camouflage" 01 - A short story about a girl how tries to blend-in in her class.
"Camouflage" 02
The animals section
"Shpritz and Shpratz" 01 - by Adi Zelichov Relevy
"Shpritz and Shpratz" 02
"Shpritz and Shpratz" 03
Special 100 magazine
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